What is cybercrime, and how can you protect yourself?


Cyber crime has become a serious problem in recent years. The internet is used by millions of people every day, and hackers are using this to their advantage by stealing personal information and other data that can be used for illegal purposes.

Cyber crime

Cyber crime is a broad term that encompasses all crimes that involve a computer or network of computers. It can be considered to be the most prevalent type of crime in the world today, with an estimated $1 trillion lost each year due to cyber attacks on financial institutions and government agencies.

The Internet has become a major vehicle for criminal activity, allowing criminals to locate victims at will and avoid detection by law enforcement officials. Cybercriminals use various techniques to hide their identities while committing their crimes: they may use proxy servers, anonymizing tools (such as Tor), encryption keys or other methods designed specifically for peer-to-peer communications over networks such as bitcoin exchanges (such as MtGox).

Different types of cyber crimes-  


Hacking is the act of breaking into a computer system, network or website.

Hackers can be single individuals or groups of people who use various techniques to gain access to computers and networks. They may also use viruses, worms and Trojan horses to steal sensitive information from your computer.


Phishing is a scam that happens when someone pretends to be someone else in order to get you to provide personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. They will probably send you an email, text message, or phone call asking for this information by saying they have something important that needs your help.

Phishing can happen through different channels such as email marketing campaigns (like those from major retailers), social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, and even news websites like CNN's website. 


Vishing, or voice phishing, is a form of social engineering that uses the telephone to target victims. In this case, you’re not being tricked into giving up your personal information; instead you’re used as bait for the purpose of getting credit card numbers or other sensitive information from unsuspecting victims.

Malware (malicious software)

Malware is a general term for malicious software. It can be classified as either a logic bomb or a Trojan horse, depending on how it operates.

A logic bomb is a program that is designed to execute malicious actions in response to some future event (such as the execution of another executable file). Some examples of this are network worms and viruses, which cause damage by overwriting system files with other data or code which they then infect themselves with.

A Trojan horse program allows users to run it without their knowledge but secretly performs any number of tasks on behalf of its creator without giving explicit consent after installation

Identity theft

Identity theft is a crime in which someone steals your personal information (your name and address, birth date, Social Security number) either through hacking into your computer or stealing it from another source. The identity thief then uses this information to assume control of your credit cards and other financial accounts.

How do hackers steal identities?

Hackers can use a variety of methods to obtain personal data from computers connected with the Internet. For example:

They may use viruses that infect the hard drive of a target's computer; once installed on that machine, these programs copy all files onto another computer owned by the hacker before shutting down completely without warning and leaving no trace of their existence behind except for when they are being used later on again (this practice is known as "file-on-disk" attacks).

They might also use social engineering techniques where they pretend themselves as someone else who wants access into somebody else’s network/system while deceiving users into revealing certain information needed by malicious code writers who could then gain complete control over victim machines without ever having contact with them directly at all times..

Credit card fraud

Credit card fraud is a form of identity theft, where someone steals your credit card information and uses it to buy things or do other illegal things. It’s also called “credit card skimming” because the thief takes a photo of your card at an ATM or gas station, then uses that image to make fraudulent transactions on your behalf.

Credit cards are widely used around the world, so there are many opportunities for cybercriminals to steal them from unsuspecting victims. The most common way this happens is through phishing emails asking you to click on a link that looks like one from Google or PayPal; these links lead directly into phishing sites where criminals can gather sensitive personal information (like passwords) before stealing additional credentials like PIN numbers and credit card numbers over time by tricking users into thinking they're logging into legitimate websites when they're actually giving up their personal details under false pretenses

Copyright infringement

Copyright infringement is a crime, and it's also a civil offence. It can be prosecuted as either an act of piracy or theft, depending on your country’s laws.

Copyright infringement is also known as ‘piracy’, because it involves stealing intellectual property (IP). However, copyright owners are not necessarily the same people who own the IP; they may only hold a licence to use someone else's work in certain ways (for example, rightsholders must pay royalties to songwriters).


Cyber crime is a growing problem. It can be costly and devastating, and it's difficult to detect or prevent. Cyber crime is a serious criminal offence, but you can take steps to protect yourself by following these tips:

1. Don't click on links in emails from unknown sources.

2. Avoid suspicious websites that ask for your address or credit card information.

3. Use strong passwords for all sensitive accounts (such as bank accounts and email).


Cyber crime is a serious problem, but many of us don’t realize how widespread the problems are. In fact, cyber crime is on the rise, and we need to be ready for it. We need to take steps to protect ourselves against these threats like never before.

Hardik Khandelwal
XI- E 
